AVI press release Jun 29, 2022 raising concerns over Fujitec’s outside directors
AVI is proposing an integrated set of measures to solve Fujitec’s problems. The recommended solutions are not narrowly focused on balance sheet improvements, but also address strategy and governance.
We want to support Fujitec in becoming a best-in-class elevator & escalator company focused on Asia, after-sales services, and technology.
Joe Bauernfreund
12th May 2020
Founded in London in 1985, AVI has a long history of investing in Japan. Over the past few years we have observed the heightening interest in Japan driven by corporate governance reforms. What we have seen convinces us that profound change is underway, and we launched a dedicated fund, AVI Japan Opportunities Trust (‘AJOT’), to target the plentiful opportunities the reforms will bring. Across AJOT and AVI Global Opportunities Trust (‘AGT’), AVI has ¥55bn invested in Japan.
We always take a long-term view with our investments, seeking high-quality companies that the market misunderstands and undervalues. We work with company management and boards to improve long-term corporate value.
This website, and the information contained herein, (collectively referred to as “the Website”) is being provided for the shareholders of Fujitec (TSE 6406) for information purposes only. Asset Value Investors Limited (“AVI”) is the investment manager of two of the shareholders of Fujitec, namely AVI Global Trust (“AGT”) and AVI Japan Opportunity Trust (“AJOT”).
AVI is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) and is also registered as an Investment Advisor with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the United States Investment Advisors Act of 1940.
The Website is directed only at Professional Clients or Eligible Counterparties as defined by the UK FCA.
In the Website, AVI demands Fujitec adopt fundamental reforms to address persistent underperformance. A detailed presentation has been published whereby AVI proposes an integrated set of measures to address Fujitec’s problems. The recommended solutions are not narrowly focused on balance sheet improvements, but also address strategy and governance.
The Website was created solely for the purpose mentioned above and is provided for information purposes only. AVI is by no means soliciting or requesting other shareholders of Fujitec to jointly exercise their shareholders’ rights with AVI (including, but not limited to, voting rights).
The Website exclusively represents the opinions, interpretations and estimates of AVI in relation to Fujitec’s business and governance structure. AVI is expressing such opinions, interpretations and estimates solely in its capacity as an investment manager of AGT and AJOT.
The information contained herein is derived from proprietary and non-proprietary sources deemed by AVI to be reliable. While AVI believes that reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the Website, AVI makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of such information.
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