Regulatory Disclosures

Statement on the UK Stewardship Code (the “Code”)


This statement outlines the Firm’s position with respect to the Code, which was published by the Financial Reporting Council (“FRC”) in July 2010 and amended in 2012 and 2020. Under Rule 2.2.3R of the FCA’s Conduct of Business Sourcebook, the Firm is required to make a public disclosure about the nature of its commitment and level of compliance to the Code or, where it does not commit to the Code, to explain its alternative investment strategy.

The Code is a voluntary code, which aims to enhance the quality of engagement between asset owners/asset managers and listed companies in the UK, to help improve long-term risk-adjusted returns to shareholders and the efficient exercise of governance responsibilities. It sets out good practice on engagement with investee companies an dis to be applied by firms on a “apply and explain” basis. It also describes steps that asset owners can take to protect and enhance the value that accrues to the ultimate beneficiary.

The FRC recognises that capital is invested in a range of asset classes over which investors have different terms and investment periods, rights and levels of influence. Hence the Code does not solely apply to equity investments.

The FRC also recognises that not all parts of the Code will be relevant to all institutional investors and that smaller institutions may judge some of the principles and guidance to be disproportionate. it is of course legitimate for some asset managers not to engage with companies, depending on their investment strategy.

The Code comprises twelve Principles that can be summarised as follows:

Purpose and governance

  1. purpose, strategy and governance;
  2. governance, resources and incentives;
  3. conflicts of interest;
  4. promoting well-functioning markets;
  5. review and assurance.

Investment approach

  1. client and beneficiary needs;
  2. stewardship, investment and ESG integration;
  3. monitoring managers and service providers.


  1. engagement;
  2. collaboration;
  3. escalation.

Rights and responsibilities

  1. exercising rights and responsibilities.

The Firm’s Position on the Code

The Firm’s approach in relation to engagement with issuers and their management, is determined on a global basis. A consistent global approach is taken to engagement with issuers and their management in all of the jurisdictions in which the Firm invests and, consequently, the Firm does not consider it appropriate to commit to any particular voluntary code of practice relating to any individual jurisdiction and feels that the Code is not appropriate to the Firm’s business model.

However, whilst the Firm has not made a formal commitment of compliance with the Code, its alternative investment strategy a set out above, is generally supportive of the spirit and aims of good stewardship as contained within the Code. As such, in practice, the Firm would take into consideration the principles as set out in the Code.

This Statement is reviewed annually and updated where necessary to reflect changes in circumstances and actual practice. Should the Firm’s position change we will review our commitment to the Code and make appropriate disclosure at that time.

For further details on any of the above please contact the Firm’s Compliance Officer

Please click here for a copy of the Code in pdf format.

AVI Ltd’s Japan Stewardship Policy

AVI Japan Voting Report – Year Ended 30 June 2023
AVI Japan Voting Report – Year Ended 30 June 2022
AVI Japan Voting Report – Year Ended 30 June 2021
AVI Japan Stewardship Code December 2022

AVI Shareholder Rights Directive II


The Second Shareholder Rights Directive (“SRD”), which took effect in the UK on 10 June 2019, aims to improve shareholder engagement and increase transparency around stewardship. The Firm invests in listed equities an das such we are required to disclose and make publicly available our policies on how we engage with other shareholders and the companies that we invest in, and how our strategies create long-term value.

SRD and the FRC Stewardship Code

The UK Stewardship Code (the “Code”) was established by the Financial Reporting Council in 2010. UK authorised asset managers have been required under the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority to produce a statement of commitment to the Code or to explain why it is not appropriate to its business model.

Unlike SRD, which applies to investments in listed equities globally, the Code focuses on investments in UK companies only.

The Firm’s response to the Code is detailed in a separate statement, which is available via its website

The Firm’s Approach

The Firm’s value-oriented long only global entity investment strategy is aimed at investing into companies who themselves own good quality, undervalued businesses and whose net asset value exceeds the share price the company is currently trading on.

The Firm’s investment strategy aims to:

We are required to either:

The Firm has elected to publicly disclose its Engagement Policy and this is set out in Section 4 below.

This Statement is reviewed annually and updated where necessary to reflect changes in circumstances and actual practice. Should the Firm’s position change we will review our commitment to SRD and make appropriate disclosure at that time.

Engagement Policy

The Firm’s Engagement Policy is set out below:

  1. How the firm integrates shareholder engagement in its investment strategy

    As a value-orientated long only global equity investment manager the Firm undertakes extensive research prior to investing in an investee company.

    The Firm actively engages with the boards and senior management teams of its investee companies on a regular basis, preferring to work collaboratively and supportively wherever possible to help increase shareholder value.
  2. How the firm monitors investee companies on relevant matters, including:

         * Strategy
         * Financial and non-financial performance and risk
         * Capital structure
         * Social and environmental impact and corporate governance

    Proprietary research is undertaken by the Firm’s investment analysts however outside research is also purchased at the Firm’s own expense. Investee companies are monitored by the investment analysts who each report directly to the Firm’s CIO/CEO. There is no set frequency for these reviews, with each investee company being assessed on a case by case basis. Engagement is common with senior management of investee companies however external third party investment analysts may also be used e.g. industry/company experts.

    The Firm takes its environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) responsibilities very seriously. A copy of the Firm’s ESG policy can be found on its website:
  3. How the firm conducts dialogues with investee companies

    The Firm regularly and actively engages with the boards and senior management teams of its investee companies, preferring to work collaboratively and supportively whenever possible to help increase shareholder value. This engagement varies depending on the investee company and the situation but may include any number of the following:

         * Face-to-face discussions
         * Telephone calls
         * Private letters
         * Public presentations
         * Shareholder proposals (at the AGM or at an EGM)
         * Board representation
         * Take-over bid
  4. How the firm exercises voting rights and other rights attached to shares

    As a fiduciary, the Firm owes each of its clients a duty of care and loyalty with respect to services undertaken on the client’s behalf, including proxy voting. To this end, the Firm takes all reasonable steps to vote proxies in the best interest of its clients.

    The Firm has a Proxy Voting Policy that – amongst other things – sets out the Firm’s general approach when voting on behalf of its clients.

    The Firm generally votes proxy proposals, amendments, consents or resolutions relating to client securities, including interests in private investment funds, if any, (each a “proxy”) in accordance with the following guidelines:

         * The Firm will generally support a current management initiative, if our view of the issuer’s
           management is favourable;
         * The Firm will generally vote to change the management structure of an issuer, if it would
           lead to an increase in shareholder value;
         * The Firm will generally vote against management, if there is a clear conflict between the
            issuer’s management and shareholder interest; and
         * In some cases, even if AVI supports an Issuer’s management, there may be some
           corporate governance issues that AVI believes should be subject to shareholder approval.

    The Firm’s Proxy Voting policy is available to clients upon request.
  5. How the firm cooperates with other shareholders, and communicates with relevant stakeholders of the investee companies

    The level of engagement with other shareholders will differ depending on the situation but will typically take the form of a general discussion where different views are exchanged and different cases/points argued. To date the Firm has not formally collaborated with other shareholders of its investee companies (e.g. creating concert parties) and currently has no plans to do so in the future.

    The Firm may however enter into formal agreements or signed undertakings with its investee companies to vote a certain way.
  6. How the firm manages actual and potential conflicts of interests in elation to the firm’s engagement

    The Firm has a documented Conflicts of Interest Policy. The Firm is required to manage conflicts of interest fairly, both between the Firm and its clients as well as between one client and another client. As applicable, the Firm is also required to identify conflicts of interest between an investor in a fund managed by the Firm and other investors, funds managed by the Firm, other clients of the Firm or the Firm itself.

    The Firm’s policy is to take all appropriate steps to maintain and operate effective organisational and administrative arrangements to  identify and to prevent or manage potential and actual conflicts of interest in the Firm’s business.
    With specific reference to the Firm’s engagement with listed companies, the Firm has identified that conflicts of interest may arise in the following situations:

         * Aggregation and allocation of orders
         * Investing (different strategies and mandates)
         * Proxy voting (as detailed above)
         * Use of research
         * Remuneration

    The Firm’s interests and the interests of all its clients are aligned with regard to engagement with investee companies. The Firm’s Conflicts of Interest policy and Conflicts Register is available to clients upon request.

Implementation of the Engagement Policy – Annual Disclosure

The annual disclosure requirements are as follows:

     * A general description of voting behaviour
     * An explanation of the most significant votes
     * The use of the services of proxy advisors
     * How the firm has cast votes in the general meetings of companies in which it holds shares,
       excluding votes that are insignificant due to the subject matter of the vote or the size of the
       holding company

The Firm’s initial Annual Disclosure shall be with respect to the calendar year 2020 and shall be made available in 2021.

MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosure: Remuneration

PRIIPs KID for AVI Global Trust plc

Click here to download PRIIPs KID for AVI Global Trust plc

Click here to download PRIIPs KID for AVI Global Trust plc (French version)

Click here to download PRIIPs KID for AVI Global Trust plc (German version)

PRIIPs KID for AVI Japan Opportunity Trust plc

Click here to download PRIIPs KID AVI Japan Opportunity Trust plc

Click here to download PRIIPs KID AVI Japan Opportunity Trust plc (French version)

Click here to download PRIIPs KID AVI Japan Opportunity Trust plc (German version)

PRIIPs KID for AVI Family Holding Companies Fund

Click here to download PRIIPs KID AVI Family Holding Companies Fund Class A (EUR)

Click here to download PRIIPs KID AVI Family Holding Companies Fund Class C (GBP)

PRIIPs KID for AVI Japan Fund

Click here to download PRIIPs KID AVI Japan Fund Class E (EUR)

Click here to download PRIIPs KID AVI Japan Fund Class E (JPY)


Click here to download MiFID II – EMT


Click here to download MiFID II – EPT


Click here to download MiFID II – EET

Consumer Duty Fair Value Assessment

Click here to download Consumer Duty Fair Value Assessment

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The content of this website is issued by Asset Value Investors Limited (“AVI”), 2 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0PU.  AVI is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom (the “FCA”) and is a registered investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States. While the Investment Manager is registered with the SEC as an investment adviser, it does not comply with the Advisers Act with regard to its non-U.S. clients.

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As with all financial or investment matters, you should exercise great care in using the information provided on this website or available through links from this website. You should research the facts, opinions and strategies mentioned in this website before making any financial investment decisions. If you are unsure about the meaning of any information provided please consult your financial adviser or other professional adviser.

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These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England without regard to conflicts of law principles. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will exclude or restrict any duty or liability we may have under applicable rules or regulations.

AVI Global Trust – General Risk Factors
AVI Global Trust plc is a public company listed and traded on the London Stock Exchange. Past performance should not be seen as an indication of future performance. The price of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the full amount invested. The trust uses gearing techniques (leverage) which will exaggerate market movements both down and up which could mean sudden and large falls in market value. Please refer to the Key Features Document for further details effecting your investment.

Applications to invest in AVI Global Trust referred to on this website, must only be made on the basis of the current Key Features Document, or other applicable terms and conditions. Past performance should not be seen as an indication of future performance. Market and exchange rate movements may cause the value of a fund to rise or fall and an investor may not get back the amount invested.

As a result of money laundering regulations, additional documentation for identification purposes may be required when you make your investment. Details are contained in the relevant application documents.

If you are unsure about the meaning of any information provided please consult your financial adviser or other professional adviser.

By agreeing to these terms, you agree that we may contact you by post, fax, email, SMS messaging or by other forms of electronic media to inform you of our products and services that we believe you might be interested in.


The content of this website is issued by Asset Value Investors Limited (“AVI”), 2 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0PU.

AVI is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom (the “FCA”) and is a registered investment adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States. While the Investment Manager is registered with the SEC as an investment adviser, it does not comply with the Advisers Act with regard to its non-U.S. clients.

Intended Audience
The information on this website is provided to you for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any investments or related services that may be referenced on this website.The information on this website is subject to change without notice.

This website is primarily intended for UK residents. It is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any U.S. persons or persons in any other country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

It is your responsibility to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction.

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Nothing on this website constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice nor should it be relied upon in making an investment decision.

Money Laundering
As a result of money laundering regulations, additional documentation for identification purposes may be required when you make your investment. Full details are contained in the relevant subscription documents.

Investment Decisions
As with all financial or investment matters, you should exercise great care in using the information provided on this website or available through links from this website. You should research the facts, opinions and strategies mentioned in this website before making any financial investment decisions. If you are unsure about the meaning of any information provided please consult your financial adviser or other professional adviser.

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Whilst all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this website, AVI cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information, either expressly or implied. Neither AVI, any of its directors, officers or employees, nor any third party vendor, will be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage that you incur in the event of any failure or interruption of this site, or resulting from the act or omission of any other party involved in making this site or the data contained therein available to you, or from any other cause relating to your access to, inability to access, or use of the site or these materials, whether or not the circumstances giving rise to such cause may have been within the control of AVI, or of any vendor providing software or services support.

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The existence of hyperlinks should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or verification by AVI of any content available on third party sites. By providing access to other websites, we are not recommending the purchase or sale of products or services provided by the website’s sponsoring organization. We do not review any of these third party sites. AVI reserves the right to require written consent for, or request the removal of, any links to our website.

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We encourage you to read AVI’s Privacy Policy which can be obtained by clicking the Privacy Policy button found on the Homepage.

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Deliberate misuse of any element of this website including, without limitation, hacking, introduction of viruses or similar code, disruption or excessive use or any use in contravention of applicable law, is expressly prohibited and we reserve the right to terminate your access to the website, and at our discretion, pass information to the legal authorities.

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You shall indemnify us from and against all actions, claims, proceedings, costs and damages (including any damages or compensation paid by us on the advice of its legal advisors to compromise or settle any claim) and all legal costs or expenses arising out of your use of thise website, any breach of any applicable law, statute, ordinace, regulation or third party rights and any breach by you of the software licenses and service agreements governing the software made available to you in connection with this website.

These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England without regard to conflicts of law principles. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will exclude or restrict any duty or liability we may have under applicable rules or regulations.

AVI Global Trust – General Risk Factors

AVI Global Trust plc is a public company listed and traded on the London Stock Exchange.

Past performance should not be seen as an indication of future performance. The price of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the full amount invested. The trust uses gearing techniques (leverage) which will exaggerate market movements both down and up which could mean sudden and large falls in market value. Please refer to the Key Features Document for further details effecting affecting your investment.

Applications to invest in AV Global Trust referred to on this Site, must only be made on the basis of the current Key Features Document, or other applicable terms and conditions. Past performance should not be seen as an indication of future performance. Market and exchange rate movements may cause the value of a fund to rise or fall and an investor may not get back the amount invested.

As a result of money laundering regulations, additional documentation for identification purposes may be required when you make your investment. Details are contained in the relevant application documents. If you are unsure about the meaning of any information provided please consult your financial adviser or other professional adviser.

By agreeing to these terms, you agree that we may contact you by post, fax, email, SMS messaging or by other forms of electronic media to inform you of our products and services that we believe you might be interested in.


INVESTOR – Risk Warnings

It is very important that you read this warning and disclaimer before proceeding, as it explains certain legal and regulatory restrictions applicable to any investment services and products we provide.

The content of this website is issued by Asset Value Investors Ltd (“AVI”), 2 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0PU

AVI is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) in the United Kingdom.

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